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snake voices ?

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jomifl | 08:42 Thu 12th Aug 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
38 Answers
Recently discovered on wiki answers( like answerbank but without the funny bits) that snakes do not have vocal cords. This undermines the credibility of the first testament from page 1 (or is it 2?). I suppose a resourceful serpent could spell words out by making letter shapes with its body, but that would pre-suppose that writing had been invented. It does not say in the first testament ' on the He create the page and the words that were written upon it' so it must have come a bit later.


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Have just got out my Bible and re-read the story of Balaam, after many years. What a Salads Chef he was, smiting his ass thrice like that. No wonder the Angel of the Lord appeared and put the willies up him!
even Darwin would suggest that snakes could have changed a bit since the earth was created.

After all, if God could remove a snake's legs, he could remove its vocal cords.

And yes, snakes did have legs
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FAO clanad, are these biblical references of your's true or do you just make them up. Strangely I appear to be lacking a bible despite having been given one by the gideons. God (probably) knows what happened to it. So I am unable to verify the veracity of your references.
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They weren't snakes then, they were a kind of lizard (lizards mostly have legs )
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How many willies does god have?
Wasn't there a snake in Junglebook talked with a lisp?
Clanad's references are all kosher, I've just spent 10 minutes checking.

I don't know how many willies God has, but it was his Angel who came down and threatened him. Mind you, I don't suppose that someone who is quite happy to smite his ass thrice would really object to the odd willy (or two).
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can clanad give us a biblical reference for that shrek character, not sure I have ever come across him. Old testament I presume.
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Clanad gave the biblical reference.

Numbers Chapter 22:22

Reference is The Book of Numbers, ch 22 vv 22 - 35.
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so the bible has an answer for everything exept how to cure piles? unless of course balaam has the answer.
Indeed Balaam has the answer. As it says in the Good Book, "Smite thine ass thrice" and the next thing you know will be an angel at your side with a handful of suppositories.
If an asp in the grass is a snake then why is a grasp in the ass a goose?
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that is so profound. It will take a long time to consider the multlfarious implications of that apparently innocent question.
There's a lady on here with cystitis, will the answer be found here too?
"which bits are metaphorical, which bits are allegorical and which bits are bollical"
Pure poetry, jomifl
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thanks rojash, managed to keep that one short.

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