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Pension credit has  just had a letter saying that she will be contacted by phone or letter about any savings etc etc she had. Is this to do with the winter  fuel  ?  She's says this is unusual .... ...
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A small item I ordered from Amazon arrived today.  I opened the box very carefully in case I need to send it back - then opened out the page of instructions.  There is no way I can fold such a... ...
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As opposed to Nailedits' OP, about binge watching your favourite film, what famous films have you NEVER watched? For me, Casablanca, Shawshank Redemption, Reservoir Dogs, Green Mile, Gone In 60... ...
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And how is everyone today? Still quite dark here but looks dry anyway. Have washing to dry but will put it on airer in one of the spare rooms, where it always seems to dry just fine. Used to have... ...
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An interesting perspective on medicine !           ...
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I know I am a modern day Victor Meldrew, but how many of you would admit giving up your mobile phone, or internet would cripple you?   It made me think today because my parents now both 90 don't... ...
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One of many I remember was from Frost; Pathologist:  "He went into the public lavatory, drank half a pint of surgical spirit, collapsed into the urinal and choked on his own vomit." Frost:  "Well, I... ...
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.... is currently blazing away in my sitting room ... and it's only September.   Is anyone else chilly?
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I've seen both Silence of the lambs and The Excorcist several times. Don't know what that says about my psychology mind?
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On his way into a shop this morning my husband saw a pigeon lying on the ground with its wing twisted upwards.  Thinking the poor thing had been hit by a car he intended to pick it up when he came... ...
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Yesterday around 5.30 pm we had a fire engine go passed, the another, 2 ambulance, a fire pick up, a blue car with blue light, a paramedic car, and so it went on. A local hotel which has been... ...
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Would Harris end with s's, or just the apostrophe after the s in the name?
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Scotland has had its first fall of snow up in the Cairngorms. It can stay there, nice and sunny where i am.
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Unless the kitchen is tidy.  If there were a mountain of washing up to face I wouldn't get out of bed. My wife can't go to bed unless she's checked the doors and windows. What night time routine do... ...
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Then off to Bonnie Scotland for 2 weeks :0) weather looking fine.
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webbo3 ...
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Well it's bright blue skies here at the moment - a lovely change from yesterday. Not sure if it will last but we shall friend here(think I told you) saw a deer early one morning just... ...
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I couldn't believe my ears last night, when our local news show said there will be some frost on Friday.  I'm thinking hang its still technically summer. 
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God it's pretty dark  here still - plays tricks on the mind when the clock time says get up but the weather/light says stay in bed! Have only had about 2 hours sleep and lots to do today so should... ...
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I see the tasteless anti-English avatar seems to be infectious. Plagiarism (or is it Sycophancy) rules it seems.

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