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who wants to be a .....

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stokemaveric | 22:12 Sat 21st Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
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Meeee! Don't we all, or maybe some folks don't, but I really do, could do so much good, not only for me and mine, but for so many others too!.............Hope you're good Stoke mate!................
just a small one would do, please....
Just in case Stoke has won the 'big one' on the lottery, and is offering to give it all away to the first few ABers to apply, I'd better say ME, ME, ME!!!!!
Everything happens in 3s, right? Well we've had two big wins in my family already. Only my Nan and I do the lottery regularly, so one of us is destined to win... I can just feel it. :-)
Good Luck to you ther NoM!.............hope it comes your way!..........
I do!!!!!
I'll only do the Lottery when its a 'rollover' because 1 million isn't enough.
I want 4 or 5 or more. Yes, I'm a greedy cow - - - - -


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who wants to be a .....

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