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BBC News website

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slimjim | 17:14 Fri 28th Feb 2003 | Technology
4 Answers
What do people think of the revamp. I'm not impressed. Doesn't seem to be as much news, or if there is, it isn't as easily accessible as it used to be. I'm usually all for sites updating their image and 'moving with the times' but this seems like a backward step to me. I'm moved to newsnow as a result.


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I agree - it's rubbish! It used to be nice and easy to pop on and see the top five headlines - now it's as if there's only ever one headline...
I AGREE!! Good to know Im not the only one it irratates!
i don't like it. i don't think its been dummed down, its just not as good. it might look a bit better but the actual functionality is right out the window.
The world option is way worse than the UK one. Not that the UK one is any better mind! Dont look at it as much now as its hard to going to try the news site you mentioned

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