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What do you do if....

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benny3008 | 11:57 Sun 22nd Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
you can't get to sleep at night? last night it took me ages to get to sleep and i said to myself i was going to clear my head of all thoughts, have you ever tried it, its nigh on impossible, you end up thinking about thinking about nothing and then you start thinking about the fact that you are thinking about thinking about nothing, it's just one vicious circle! i tried the sheep jumping over the fence thing but i lost count and then started separating them into groups to make them easier to count, needless to say, it kept me awake for longer! what do you do to get to sleep?


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Get up, get dressed, and walk to the casino for an hour.
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I've tried that before, but it always seems to be a film that i really want to watch!
benny....sorry can´t help, all my life I have been asleep within 5 mins of my head hitting the pillow. Just that I have a contented life and mind ;-)
read? benny
I read - that always makes me drop off after a couple of chapters - or I put the radio on, BBC World Service has some good stuff. If I really am dozy but just can't go off, since I was little I have imagined to myself that I am in a shack in the woods with a horse and a dog and we are all cosy and comfortable round the fire and I have a lovely blanket and I am snug - it always works for me, never fails.
I put on R4/World Service and wait for them to say a word starting with each letter of the alphabet in turn. Don't often get to Z.
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great minds boxy,,lol
I am one of the lucky ones too, head, pillow then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I read, make tea, have a browse on the computer... I don't often have bouts of insomnia any more but when I do, I don't bother even attempting to get to sleep, it would be too frustrating.
If you really can't sleep ...

... there's always AnswerBank !
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In the middle of the night though, theres not ususally much going on here!
I struggle to sleep lately, i have been hearing my Dog Bingo crying for me when I first get to bed and it is unnerving, I usually read for a good half hour and that tends to make me drop off but just these last few weeks it's been exhausting, not sure what's up and not sure if you're perhaps drinking too much caffiene benny.
I don't usually have trouble getting to sleep but every now and again I wake up really early 3:00 or thereabouts and can't get back off again. What works for that?
Get outrageously, bum-numbingly drunk!
Read a book. Sends me to sleep in minutes. Not because it's a bad book just puts you into a "dream state".
I play solitaire on my phone - I usually wake up hours later with my phone still in my hand. I can't read at night cos I end up sitting up the whole night so I can finish the book :)

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