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DEN53 | 15:57 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
give me strength


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My sympathies to you DEN as always but although I can give you a sympathetic ear there are better qualified people on here, Rowan included, who can help better than me
Redman...your role is to provide welcome distraction with my full permission...but only online...
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My vision of Red in the recovery position is embedded in my brain ha ha
Rowan, how many spells did you put on him ???
none for I was the one spellbound...
Thank god she used to be a nurse DEN she knows what to do when I'm struggling !
She's very good at mouth to mouth rescusitation !!! ha ha
Hi LL - was on holidays and then when I got back my mother had a fall and is in hosp so a lot going on - it is nice to be on again
Sorry to read of all your troubles, I was in a similair situation not so long as so i know how you must feel
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Lottie - I totally agree - we have had many home assessments - from my Mum being asked to draw pointless pictures, to asking her questions, that I could'nt even answer.
My Mum puts on the 'act' and keeps complimenting the assessor, even kissing them when leaving - then when the door closes she says 'what the fcuking hell was she doing here' and if they are black, well I will leave that to your imagination (:0 (

I said to my Dad today, if she is in respite, perhaps we will get a proper assessment and not some mickey mouse assessment that means zilch.

In all of this, I also have my Dad being convinced it is the right thing to do. Like this morning when my Mum is at her worst, I have the emergency phone call and then when Mum has gone to bed (during the day) everything calms down and he forms a different opinion.

Her sleep pattern is all up the wall - when Dad goes to bed around 11 ish - she decides to get up, and sleep in the sofa, when goes between bed and sofa all night.
This morning she had wet on the floor in the kitchen, this seems to be happening more frequent aswell.

Peri - I know you are not at your best, healthwise and hope you Mum does'nt want to come and live with you - I may start up an Answerbank Rest Home - a refuge we can all escape too when the going gets tough. hee hee xxxx
Sounds good to me
Oh Lottie!!! I just read that! That's sooooooo whats happening with me too. Wow am I please to hear I am not alone!! Drives you mad doesn't it?!! They seem to put o best behaviour when needed and make us look a fool!!!!!!!
Oh the daily naps Den!! Every time my Nan wakes up from a nap she takes more pills thinking its morning! Answer bank home sounds good lol
Hi Rinkins. You are certainly not alone. When the Social services or doctors used to arrive they thought my mother was a wonderful person, kind and thoughtful and so, so well mannered and able. And yes she was! And as soon as they went her face would look just like my avatar and she would asked me, like Den, who they were and tell me they didn't know what they were doing (in some cases she was right!!).

And don't talk to me about pills, she had all sorts of hidey holes and devious methods of not taken them!!
It is so, so difficult and you have to have been there to appreciate what it is like. Mum is gone now, and I miss her. She still retained her wonderful dry sense of humour and could still make me laugh out loud.

I like to remember her as she was as a very youthful and outgoing and extremely attractive lady in her seventies who unfortunately aged very quickly in her eighties.

Poor Mum.

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