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Single shots,

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cc1 | 13:49 Thu 26th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Is there a standard size for an espresso single shot? In M and S, the measure seemed to be about 2 teaspoons, I know that single shot espresso is small but this barely dirtied the cup. When Himself queried this measure, he was helpdully informed that a double shot would have been bigger! Costa give a much more generous measure, but I wanted the hot chocolate, so it's all my fault!


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Is this a rhetorical question?
This reads like a post that Molly would write.....
do costa not do hot chocolate ? and who drinks hot chocolate in august ? do you live *up north* ?
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Sorry I seem to have upset so many people, it seemed a simple request for information!
The basic question was Is there some standard size for a single shot?

If it is acceptable to drink coffee, tea and every other hot beverage, why is hot chocolate singled out for scorn????????
What has regionality to do with it?

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Single shots,

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