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Acute accent...

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Bbbananas | 07:46 Fri 27th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I wanted to know how to do one (thanks boxy x) - I was fully expecting some bright spark to tell me to talk like Betty Boop or Marilyn Munroe....

Any other keyboard tricks I should know, then I can really show off. I would particularly like to know how to do love hearts (naff, I know) and arrows pointing upwards, not < or > but up....


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To do a heart ♥ press alt and 3. Make sure the 3 is on the numbers pad and not the ones on the top row.
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Thanks guys. I'll stop this thread now - I only wanted to make a joke about a cute accent.....!

Stop being so obtuse :)
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Clear as mud, me!

Sals gets the prize for today's most suggestive avatar.
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I just searched for 'banana' and this pic, naturellement, sprung to my view.
Ihadn't even picked up on that JJ! My smut-o-meter must be on the blink
Where has skunky gone ?
I fancied a change...did you prefer skunky then?
No. I thought skunky was pointing his bottom at the camera.
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How rude
Well this one is sticking his tongue out
Skunks point their bums at predators.

They are like girls from Croydon.

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Acute accent...

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