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my winnings are £350.00 so far should i put the lot on my last tip....

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stokemaveric | 14:54 Sat 28th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
you decide...............


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lol ww im undecided what to do...bated breath in the 3.20 at newmarket is my next tip
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too late... ive put £100 win on bated breath and £100.00 on daffeef.....on the noses...
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they are 2/1 and 4/1 so its £200 for the 2/1 and £400 if the 4/1 wins...and im still in pocket
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right im off to watch ch4 racing....
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lol cheers m8.....
Good luck Stokie...I'll be watching with errr bated breath :-)
Bash those bookies... I won't back it just to help you out!
Question Author
oh well lol ......thanx anyway wba....

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my winnings are £350.00 so far should i put the lot on my last tip....

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