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just seen the iss...

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stokemaveric | 20:57 Thu 02nd Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
is it getting slower???


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Cannot say Dave as this is the first sighting I have had of it - thank you Wendilla. There was a little cloud tonight but the ISS was clear enough. I could see for a while a very small dull light following it. Has anyone else seen this?
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that was the supply vessel ttfn...its getting further away from it now and is due to re-enter the earths atmosphere soon and burn up over the pacific...quite amazing eh?
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i heard they were going to try and build a pub on the spacestation...but there wouldnt be much atmosphere....
It certainly was Dave - worth the risk of bringing on the Meniere's for! Stone cold sober too ;o)
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lol ttfn just imagine what its like being on it then....
every day happening for some Dave ☺
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yes i guess so ttfn just like going to work for them lol
can you imagine it is the size of over 2 football fields going over above us.
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and travelling at 17,000 mph...
I could believe it is even longer at that height and speed. Amazing sight to witness.
That was a great sighting . ( didn't see progress )

I was standing in the road looking up at the sky .
A young guy was passing - i was so excited that i had to point it out to him and state what it was .

'' Have you heard of the ISS ? '' - I enquired

'' No '' - he replied

I explained what it was - but i got the impression ,he was not interested

Philistine :-)
They drop back to cruise when they are having their tea.

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just seen the iss...

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