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noone at red lights

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mollykins | 15:34 Fri 03rd Sep 2010 | Motoring
24 Answers
As drivers, how annoying is it, when pedestrians press the button at traffic lights but then cross straight away, leaving no-one there, when the lights are green for predestrian and red for drivers?

It annoys me when i'm on my bike, possibly more than motorists, seeing as I have to stop then use a load of energy, to get my speed back up, but what about you guys.


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Why don't horses stop at pedestrain crossings, tamborine? They should!
What's more annoying is if you're a regular late night/early morning driver, you're the only car on the road, and the light junction stays red for ages. It's 2010 for heaven's sake. The only advancement in traffic lights seems to be using LEDs instead of bulbs. Where's all the advanced sensor technology to keep the traffic flowing as smoothly as possible? Bah humbug!
Cycling on the pavement is most certainly rigorously enforced, boxtops. Especially if you are an 84-year old war veteran and may put up a struggle against two CSOs and two police officers:


Of course, achieving the same level of enforcement against a sixteen year old scroat who systematically terrorises a neighbourhood may be a little more difficult, and so is rarely attempted.
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It's either cycle on the path for a few metres, or cross the path then try and cross a busy main road, which I've hardly ever seen anyone do, except at the traffic lights, when they're green. It's far more dangerous to do that, than for me to cycle at a sensible pace, a few metres, untill I get to the cycle path and can continue on to the crossing. If I made it so I only cycled on the cycle path, it would add another 10 minutes onto my journey, for the sake of a few metres it isn't worth it.

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noone at red lights

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