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Il Dolce Far Niente....

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Bbbananas | 11:47 Mon 06th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I have finally perfected it.
And I can recommend it.

Life is Sweet :-)


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the sweet ... something ... never, or nothing ?
Question Author
The sweetness of doing nothing JJ. I excel at it.

Talking of Italians, I am beginning to think you were right all along about Amanda Knox. Count me on your side.....
How come Salla. Have you been reading up on her?
Don't count me on your side. Sorry. :-(
Yes, why ?

(I hope this doesn't trigger off one of "those" threads!)
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Yes. In the Daily Mail - so of course, it has to be right :-)
Aah, yes ... the good old Daily Mail.

That's why I missed it.
Sals, did you borrow a copy of the Daily Mail from an old, grumpy person ?

Question Author
A young(ish) grumpy person, yes. He only buys it so he can get annoyed and irritated by just about everything in it. He loves a rant.
Well, if he enjoys a rant, then he got the right newspaper !
Wow, Sals ... I've just looked up some of the Daily Mail stuff ... !

The FBI say there's no way AK could have been the killer.

They say the Italian Police may have "planted" the "evidence".

The Police destroyed some of their files !!!

... etc.

(I'm not going to go on, but it was interesting!)
Never doubted you,JJ. :-)

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Il Dolce Far Niente....

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