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ooh Dear my ex has been rushed into hospital, I don't like him..

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Bobbisox | 18:52 Mon 06th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
but he is my daughters dad, she's doing her late night at the dentist where she works and sil is at the hospital, she hasn'r been told yet,,,
How do you say to a patient, "Hang on, you will have to wait for your treatment"
I really hope he is ok for her sake... and I don't want anything bad to happen to him either


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why would he have to wait for treatment?
I would tell her. If I were a patient, I would understand, I've had appointments cancelled for personal crises.
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sorry 4get, I have been unclear here, my daughter is a Dental Nurse and I was referring to her saying that to her patient if we had told her and she had to leave work now
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she finishes at 7 boxy
I right I get it now, though you meant the dad would need to wait till she had been told. How serious is it to have to tell her now?
Do you know why he has been rushed in, is it life threatening? I think she should be told promptly.
Hopefully its nothing too serious Geordie :(
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I , being his Ex, do not know the situation, only he is suffering severe pain going from his groin to his chest,
thats 3 minutes away so tell her then
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Hi Haggis me too hun x

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ooh Dear my ex has been rushed into hospital, I don't like him..

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