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dog insurance

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princess | 21:46 Mon 06th Sep 2010 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
I had my dog insured with pet plan at £40 a month but found them expensive so went to argos insurance and got the exact policy for only £13 a month so has any 1 else used argos and r they a good company, qiuck 2 pay vets bills etc.


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I'm still with PetPlan for my cats - the advantage with them (last time I renewed) is that they pay out for life if your pet has a long term condition, which one of mine does. Some other insurance (including Argos if I am still correct) will only pay for up to 12 months.
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Argos now do a for life 1 which is 1 of the reasons i changed if they hadnt then i wood of stayed with petplan.
Thanks, I'll have a look next time I renew - only prob for me is two of my cats are over 10 years old and not all insurers want to take on the older beasties, whereas PetPlan will keep them, Does Argos offer the same sort of levels of cover? what about the excess?
I was lazy and plonked for Tesco when the cats adopted me. It has worked out really well. Frankie's asthma is covered up to £4,000 with no time limits.

It is hard making a choice of which company to go to. I have used Pet Plan with my last dog and my last cat.

The only bad thing about Tesco is that they take ages to process claims. My vet requires payment at the time of treatment which is a bit of a pest.

I am due a trip to the vet in the next week or so - it is a total nightmare taking either to the vet.

I think that my insurance is about £13 for both cats - they are 5 years old.
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The only differents with petplan and argos is petplan paid up 2 £12.000 per year and argos is £7,500 per year but both r per condition and argos pay £100 towards cermation where petplan didnt, bit everything else is the same.
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The excess is the first £50.
I've just got my renewal from Tesco and I have to pay £42+ per month. I 'll have a look at Argos as £500 pa for 1 dog is a bit steep! Mind they do pay out if you have a problem although this dog has been very healthy and we've never had a claim for him.

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