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chamber's dictionary

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mollykins | 13:29 Tue 07th Sep 2010 | Arts & Literature
16 Answers
Why is it that the chamber's dictionary has so many more word than the OED?


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Because it is a larger book and so has more pages to fill.
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It can only fill those pages with real words. Half the words I end up playing in scrabble I can't even pronounce.
Just because you can't pronounce a word, doesn't make it invalid.
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I know but it's as if they've made half of them up, plus the chamber's scrabble dictionary doesn't have the meanings, so who knows if they are real words or not.
"who knows if they are real words or not."

The people who write the dictionary.
The complete OED has more words than Chambers. It comes in 20 volumes.
Buy yourself a new Chambers it is invaluable
One have to know how to spell a word before you can look it up..
I once started reading the dictionary. It wasn't a very interesting plot but at least each word was explained as your went along.
this is the complete Oxford, mollykins

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Craft, but if you know the beginning of a word and are looking for ways to end it, you can look it up.

Sounds fun SB, did you learn amny new words?
squarebear, I suggest a read of the telephone directory next, the plots not a lot better but the cast list is impressive.
It's probably full of plebby new words, Americanisms, slang and chav-speak.
The Oxford English Dictionary is faaar seeooperior !
Molly, did you realise this is your question very afraid...
The Scrabble dictionary doesn't need definitions, molly, all the players want to know is whether those words are allowable in the game.

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chamber's dictionary

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