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for a 6 year old.

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Jemisa | 14:33 Thu 09th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
My little G/daughter is 6 next week and like a lot of kids with lots of aunties, grandparents friends ect, she's got lots of toys. When mine were young they loved a 'Pogo-Stick'
Is she too young? her mum would approve because it promotes excercise & she's all for that. I've already bought her a Boy Doll 'SAM' she'd been asking for. Yes I spoil 'em but thats what they're for isn't it?
A 'Pogo Stick'? is she too young.



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I don't think so, no.
Or there's always a space hopper - kids love them.
Sounds a bit too dangerous for any child. I know people will probably think "well you cannot wrap them in cottom wool" or "I had one and it never did me any harm..." etc etc.. but I would not trust a pogo stick. If they like excercise by jumping up and down how about a Sit n Bounce?,default,pd.html
Great minds Salla!
lots of kids had pogo sticks when I was young (not me though, I was too poor) they were all ages. I would say yeah go for it!
they are a lot safer looking than the ones we had as kids, they are plastic and not so high off the ground
you can get pogo sticks that are a bit easier for younger children to use. I say go for it, she'll love it. I sold mine when I moved, it was a proper metal one
I have 6yr old twins (G/B) she will like ANYTHING pink, fluffy and princessy.

The Princess sticker collector album and packets of stickers are fav at the moment.

She also absolutly has to ride her (pink obviously) scooter everywhere wearing her (pink) princess dressing up outfit.

Since I gave away her dolls pram (it was too small) her new ask (for Christmas) is a bigger PINK dolls buggy.

Are you getting the theme yet?

Yes that's right a 6yr old girl will love anything pink, pink and fluffy or princessy.
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OhYes, I know what you mean Cassa she is definately in that stage too & she's got it all believe me, Even the Pogo Stick I've got my eye on is Pink. Heaven help the Boy Doll I've got for her, I can see him dressed in her old Pink cast offs very shortly.
(He is one of those 3ft dolls that look like a small child)
I think I will get the Pogo Stick, if she can't manage it she'll grow into it by xmas.
(There I see will be another headache) -- jem

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for a 6 year old.

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