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Well that was a horrible day at work....

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Hippie2010 | 18:44 Fri 10th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
so...just stopped off and bought a chinese! Enjoying it right now but will feel guilty in about 20 minutes! lol


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..and starving in about an hour and a half ;)
Question Author
Oh heck! I forgot that! Should have stopped off for a Chicken Korma instead....or maybe good old Fish and Chips!
Hiya hippie! (((((((((((WAVES< FLAPS AND JUMPS AROUND))))))))))
Ive just got back from college and feel a bit weak as all ive been eating is soups and salads, im going to treat myself to a fat burger or kebab as tonight i fancy a big piece of meat in me!
look at you two.. almost hand in hand ;o)
its the weekend sara ;)
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Scuse me! I'm quite quiet and understated here!
I don't think they'll have far to stretch, sara ;o)
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I remember someone who used to bump up the replies with a few homemade's
Never mind the food...I'm more interested in why the day was so Horrible.........
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Just people being spiteful at work. I think I want to find somewhere else. It used to be a really happy place to work but since we got a new boss, everything has changed. I can't deal with people being nasty and talking behind peoples backs. Life's too short.
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Well that was a horrible day at work....

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