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quick joke...

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stokemaveric | 16:41 Sun 12th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
an cowboys dog limps into a saloon on 3 legs,his paw hanging limply...the bartender looks at him and says ''what can i do for you?''...the dog replies ''im looking for the guy who shot my paw'' i thought it was funny...


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Hi stoke take a look in change my av thread please
Question Author
hi bobbi what would you like me to do?
bibble and me have posted a av we thought you could use, bibbles is very funny
Question Author
and how do i do that bobbi?? lol
click on the picture and save it in your 'picture folder'
go to, you will have to register, you will then be able to click on 'find' and go to computer hard drive?
go into your pictures where your choice will be, click it twice and it should appear in gravatar, then follow the ins from there x
Question Author
thanks bobbi ill have a little go later x
-- answer removed --
ha-ha, I love that Butch x
stick to your gee-gees

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quick joke...

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