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i have had a friend request on facebook from Answerbank.,

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dotty. | 22:06 Tue 14th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
When I've looked at their wall posts they've used a thread of mine from July to promote the animals and nature section, I feel totally used and i am not sure if i will accept the request. : (


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I'm a tad confused (as usual!).. but shouldn't they have asked you first, before using your thread? doesn't sound very "friendly" to me.
why? All threads here are in the public domain. The thread dosen't "belong" to dotty as such
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well as usual it was a very intelligent and well thought out thread and so I can't blame them but it's abit odd that they have used it on their wall when i am not in their friends list, (like so many other abers are, maybe i am peeved that they've taken so bloody long to invite me!) lol
Be happy you got invited Dot; some are not that lucky. :-)

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i have had a friend request on facebook from Answerbank.,

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