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ftao jj

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mollykins | 15:51 Wed 15th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
What happened? Were my suspicions that your idea wouldn't get very far true . . . .


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Well it's decorated with all 60's (and possibly 70's, IDK I don't know what the 60s and 70s were like) stuff inside like picture of the beatles etc, playing 60s (and probably 70s) music with things on the menu having cheesey retro names . . . .
Was that for me Ummmm? Ta if it was, if it wasn't, ta anyway :-)

I have to say im disapointed to be honest. Not sure if the p[ost got nasty as I had to nip out, but it wasn't bad before i left?

I don';t see what was wrong in a post that had what seemed a genuine offer to help another user on it, but as im fond of saying, the Ed's decision is final and that's that I guess!
sounds good Molly, mum and dad going too?
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mum and dad wouldn't eat most of the things on the menu.
I went to a place like that (cept it was 50s themed) in a place called Chilham, it was done up like something out of Grease - old juke boxes, gingham tablecloths the lot. There were a load of old yank-tank cars planted in the concrete outside too - which was a bit surreal.
I think it is more to do with the fact the the help involved money BOO. Offers of help in kind or by giving assistance would be fine. Answerbank wouldn't want to be involved in anything that could have legal implications.
Yep BOO...sent it you on FB...went back to copy it for this post :-)
Yeah I guess Lottie, still a shame though :-)

Anyhoo, happy birthday Molly.
Thanks again Ummmm, anyone would think i was nosy and wanted to keep abreast of all things AB....

As if ;-)
Just a wild guess BOO :-)
I just knew that this would turn into a fiasco. Now I ask, how do I get my two and sixpence halfpenny back........Where is it..........Where is it lurking??
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Thanks aunty Selma (BOO)
Yes, happy birthday molly, hope you have a lovely time.
Molly, have you got my two and sixpence halfpenny?
Haven't been on today (well yesterday actually) so thanks Ummm for saving and sharing. :-)

And an enormous thank you to ChuckF for explaining how to sort that silly message red alert message about AB!
checked in to see how the fund was going :/

Thanx ummm for the explanation - have you a hotline to the Ed.

Sorry mollykins, we did get to £61 when I had to depart. cheers to you

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