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AB Addiction

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milly143 | 15:40 Wed 22nd Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I found the AB years ago and used it all the time. Then I found it all got a little bit cliquey and stopped using it but I have since rediscovered it and now I can't stay off it, which is a bit of a problem as the whole time I am on AB, I am supposed to be working. Is there some sort of AB annonymous I can attend. I don't want to go cold turkey.


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If you had 3 choices
AB, Work, or Sex which would you choose ? :-)))
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Redman, if I have 3 choices couldn't I just have them all? he he.

Butch, have certainly noticed it's not like that anymore. I feel like I could join in any thread now - which is part of the problem.
I tried to go cold turkey and twice asked Ed to remove me, but was ignored so still here.
I keep telling myself i'm not going to post here any more, but I always pop in for a read and then find a thread/question I think I can help with and then I just get stuck on AB for hours. :)
We will have to put you down as a lost cause milly143 ! lol
lol people always moaned that its cliquey now and was never cliquey before, I always thought it was the opposite ;)
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I wish I had someone to flock with :o/
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I haven't been posting on CB that long and to be honest I've never found it to be cliquey . I didnt post on here before as it seemed a bit "mad"
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Mazie - you are taking the proverbial? Rubbish always finds its own level ♥ ROFL
It's mad in a different way now ttfn
Sure is pal - there is safety in numbers ☺
well that's my theory and the reason I stick around ;o)
Butch, I think I may have been included in the Witches clique!
i just dip and and dip out, as and when. join in with stuff if i fancy, or not if i don't. most of the time i just can't be bothered to, although i do get some good laughs at what's posted. my favourite bits are body & soul, and food & drink although i do have a brief read through chatterbank and other topics that pop up on 'latest posts' when i am here and sometimes get drawn in. always check the arts & literature bit too, for book recommendations.
i don't find it cliquey really but then i'm not really here enough to notice....

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