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4getmenot | 08:45 Fri 24th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
You anywhere near Shereford?, got a wedding to go to there tomorrow, look out x


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About a mile away 4get. A nice walk for us in the summer to Sculthorpe Mill. Nice little church. Very small village. My son used to go up there and play their church organ - the doors are always open.

The Mill at Sculthorpe is lovely too - just wondering if the reception might be there?

Hope the weather improves.

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the reception is at somewhere called Coronations villas???
Private houses 4get in Shereford. 1950's style, I think. Type in into Google Maps, street view and you will see them. :o)
Not the bungalows, the t wo houses next door with the one entrance. On the bend almost.
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so its a house I'm going to?
oooh maybe its a garden party? wrap up warm :)

Just a short walk down from the Church. The next building down on the left hand side, same side of the road as the Church. Perhaps they are having a Marquee.
Semi detached houses, quite large, large front gardens and some barns at the back. Perhaps the reception's in the chicken sheds!! ;o)
Did you get in touch with the new employers this afternoon?

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