Ok so there's this guy in my science class.
*he stares at me
*he trys to make me smile when I am bored(which makes me smile)
*he always waves to me in class
*asks how my weekend was
*stares at me during lunch
kawii23 - some of the respondents are clearly wrinkly and do not realise that the internet is international, and think that you are the voices in their head communicating with them.
kawii, sorry that you have received such inappropriate comments for a 14 year old. If I was your age and at college I would think that guy fancies me. He could just be friendly but what would make me think he was interested is that he stares. Just be yourself and get to know him slowly.
i reckon he likes u. bt the thing is do u like him. if u don't then dnt give him signs, sayin that u do. bt if u do then b nice to him back, bt dnt over do it. Bt take it slowly, coz if he mite wana jst 'TAP AND GAP'. we are the same age tho, fourteen.