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Don't you just hate it when......

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milly143 | 15:44 Wed 29th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
someone is talking on the radio and you can hear the saliva in their mouth as they talk. It makes my tummy churn. Swallow god damn it!!!!


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who was that politician in the 1980s spitting image, made a puppet of him and he always spat when he spoke???

Hiya zzxxee,

This bloke.......Roy Hattersley
thats it yuck !!!! x
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Oh Dear!
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i also loathe Sian Lloyd - the only woman on earth who can instantly remove the (considerable!) sex appeal from a Welsh accent when she opens her mouth. She looks weird as well - all those sinister hand movements,I think she is an alien!

But my serious ire is saved for the aural car crash that is Sally Bozeman on Radio Two.

I have to switch off as soon as her jingle plays - she pooters on in her 'I'm a bit sexy really aren't I boys?' voice - and she is unable to read two lines of script without stumbling, and that's before we get to the 'saliva' incidence ... I'm off for a lie-down!
ha ha andy-hughes, yes I so agree with everything you just said. I can't stop looking at Sian's hands, she's weird!

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