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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:36 Sat 02nd Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
I hope today is rather drier than yesterday. The raindrops were queuing up to hit the ground. It was a case of do the necessary then batten down the hatches.A good excuse for a lazy day really! :-)

Have a happy day everyone.


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no just lazy lol anyway im off have a good day all whilst hes sleeping im going to catch up on some emails take care all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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'bye for now zzxxee. xxxxx

I must be elsewhere shortly too, so have a happy day everyone.
Good morning, WBM. Nice to see you back. X
Morning all :-)
morning all, glad to see the tempest has passed (for now). I came home yesterday to find next door's garden umbrella wide open by my back door, must have sailed over the wall - catz were looking at it with consternation!
morning all omg bright sunshine whats that then??
have a good weekend all!

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Good morning early birds!

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