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New Bed

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carlton23 | 22:53 Sat 02nd Oct 2010 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
I``ve just had a new bed delivered today with whats called a `Memory Mattress` and I would like to know if it will help me to remember my dreams. No, not really, I just wanted to let you know, that`s all. `Night all`. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


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You will sleep well with your memory mattress, carlton!
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Yawwwwnnnnnnn, ta much boxxxxxx zzzzzzzzzzzz
Hope you have many restful nights (and days) on your memory mattress.
what you doing with your old one ?
Do I sense a play on words - will help me to remember my dreams-
It will if you bought it from Dreams

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New Bed

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