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ttfn | 20:45 Wed 13th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
what makes a good ABer? What qualities do you like to see in them - knowledge, kindness, compassion, humour, the ability to give supportive advice or to post thought-provoking threads (thought that would avoid putting 'stirring' or 'controversial') and others I no doubt will have missed?


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I like originality, a decent sense of humour and a lack of being a total knob. I don't ask for much...
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You might do if you want to find them in the same person CD ;o)
poodi has made a good point ttfn, i admire the technical knowledge of some abers and their willingness to give advice, a sense of humour is vital.
I think I just wind people up!

Oh well :-)
lol anne..................defo sense of humour.
RATTER I likes yer..;-0)
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Good evening to you anne and RATTER
Well we seem to have covered a fair bit of ground here tonight. We are a diverse lot for sure. Time to try for an early night I think, so I wish you all sweet dreams and ttfn ♥
me too pet, certainly have
G'night x
"what makes a good ABer? "

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