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Pssst...... Sandy Roe

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Bbbananas | 14:26 Thu 14th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Just had to tell you I woke up in the middle of the night tittering at your reply yesterday to my "how would you describe yourself as a lonely heart?" -
your answer: 'Droll Ol' Prole looking for a Hole....'

Priceless. I don't think enough people saw it, so I bring it up once more.


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my god... lol
Question Author
Good wasn't it? And it slipped by so easily......
a bit too easily if you ask me lol
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Although, I have to give credit also to McM (I am reviewing that thread.....) for his contribution: "Man, 67, Animal in bed. Probably a Gnu".

I love you lot. x
It wasn't that good. :-( When I published it in the Belfast Telegraph I didn't get a single reply.
got a link to this thread salla? i was working at the shop yesterday so wouldnt have been on!
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If you'd have put it in the Boston Standard, you'd have been inundated.....

(Mind you, the Prole would undoubtedly be mistaken for Pole. We have a lot of them....)
Is that Boston Mass., or Boston where the stump is?
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The Stump. Very impressive, especially at night when it's illuminated.
Many people throw themselves off to commit suicide. Sad really :-(

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Pssst...... Sandy Roe

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