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2 horses for tomorrow.....

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stokemaveric | 21:57 Wed 20th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
kinigi...2.00 brighton and worth a kings..15.55 at carlisle..


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Double or single bets? Each way or on the nose?
Okee Dokee.

I've not taken in the slips from last time. Did we win?

Question Author
well mike i have them on the nose but you can double them up if you like..its your call..hi jj yes i think we did have some winners from a while back if its still the samp betting slips lol...where were you the other saturday i came on and gave a nice little 6/1 winner on a saturday afternoon...x
Aww, poop ... I hate missing your big odds winners.

Question Author
sorry jj i did look if you were on here as well...oh well there will be more i hope lol...
was tempted but fortunately didn't bet since it doesn't look like either of those came anywhere
Across the board Stokey

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2 horses for tomorrow.....

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