Apparently widows/widowers from a truly loving relationship are far more likely to get into another relationship within a short time. They realise the benefits of being with someone and are happier within a relationship so they choose to find one sooner rather than later or not at all as opposed to those who have been in an unhappy marriage and are happier to be alone. So it is a testament to how good your relationship was that you are keen to share that closeness with someone else again x
Getting into another relationship is an indication that the marriage was a very happy one.
Do be careful though. Paul and Linda McCartney had such a wonderful life together. Sadly he had no idea what he was getting into with a gold digging b1tch like Heather Mills.
Go with your own gut feelings, if you feel you want to get out and have fun, then do so, you should not feel guilty. And dont let anyone tell you its bad! xx