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Taking Umbridge....

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Bbbananas | 15:13 Thu 04th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
What or where or who exactly is 'Umbridge' ?


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It's where the Archers live salla
Isn't it a village in the Archers
That's Ambridge. Umbrage is offence.
I dont think it's in Sussex, Salla?

Is it t'up north in ecky thump and black pudding land? :0)
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Bobbi used Umbridge earlier. It made me think..
But I think Mike's right - it should be spelt umbrage.

Ok then - what where or who is Umbrage?!!!!
When we were playing about with the swear filter on User's usernames Doc's was something like:

Doctor Spoc PhD (Visual Arts, University of Umbridge)

Ambridge, Mazie and Moonraker.
I Know Mike, I'm an avid fan of The Archers and do my ironing whilst listening to the Omnibus on Sunday morning

(I was joking about Umbridge)
Rumtee rumtee rum rum tee rum all together now
Are you taking Um-bridge, Salla? Are you visiting Ummm today? :-)
-- answer removed --
It's near Banbridge, close to Kates bridge in Co Down.
I have decided I'm going to stop trying to be funny :o(
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What could ummmm do with a bridge society? Walk all over Ginge? Nah - she does that already..... ;-)
and he loves it.
As I said earlier, umbrage means offence, originally a shadow (Chambers).
shurrruuupppp cheeky
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Thanks Mike.
I was just being silly............. (so unlike me). x
:-) @ Salls

I's say it's beyond walking. lol

See how conversations take a turn on a different road... :-)
Yer Mike, I was just being silly too. Some of us on here understand each others silliness.
why the hell am i singing um bongo?

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Taking Umbridge....

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