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TWR | 10:57 Tue 09th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Without your PC, Chatterbank, Your TV,


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Embroidery, painting, writing, housework, gardening, birdwatching, cooking,reading, knitting, decorating, visit friends, not always in that order of course

Wouldn't miss tv at all....would miss pc for shopping mostly but would miss folk on here most
I could do withtout tv ( well most days ) but couldnt do without my pc. Doing lots of family history research and , as rowan says, would miss talking to you lot our there.

xxx to everyone
I can do without cb-I think. But I love looking for interesting websites-history mainly,and I need the pc to keep in touch with family overseas.
Tv not needed-anyway,programs can be watched on pc.
I'd use free time mostly for reading...I used to read loads-but am having trouble getting back into the swing of things....and there's a huge pile of books just waiting to be read.
I'm trying hard to get back into the swing of ready again Pasta, I used to read loads and got right out of the habit. I am now making sure I sit and read for an hour or so every day. I can't read in bed, it puts me straight to sleep!
I can't even think about it without a panic attack. When my computer packed up I had withdrawal symptoms until I got a new one. Pathetic, isn't it!
I would miss my TV/Home Cinema system as I enjoy good DVD's (Films)and Sky Football now I cannot afford to go to Premiership games any more.
I would miss my PC also as it is very useful, but I'm not a slave to it as I can take it or leave it because of outside interests.
Having said that my PC has a special significance as I would never have met my beloved without it !
What else could I do with my hands if I had no TV or PC to fiddle with ! ;-))
playing golf
I would rather lose my television than be without my dishwasher!!

The computer has priority over the dishwasher!! I have to admit I would be somewhat lost without it. I would have to go out shopping for clothes and gifts. I can't stand shopping or trawling round shops.
Just thought... I'd have to trawl around second hand dvd and book shops as I buy most of mine online.
I have a load of garden screening, fence posts and galvanised wire coming today. Free delivery and a good price. Can't imagine any more having to go out and shop for that. How boring!!
Actually I have a new mascara coming and I hate shopping for things like that from the orange ladies in department stores who try to get you to buy other things too, really irritates me.
I agree on the TV over the dishwasher Lofty! My dishwasher packed up on Christmas Day last year (of all days). I nearly cried because I had used just about every pot in the kitchen!!!
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From what I have read up to now, it has changed the way we shop, search, find, & I think of a few sensible people that can give non Sarcastic, Grammar pilots, & look for answers about the world, Isn't it great?
Without my PC I'd probably go stark raving mad! I use it to keep up with friends and buy books. The former is too expensive by phone and the latter is the only way I can buy English language books without travelling a long way for a limited selection. Come to think of it, if I couldn't buy the books, maybe I could afford the phone calls. As a bookaholic abroad it's essential to have a PC. But I don't have a TV and I don't miss it.
and mp3 recording from YouTube :)
when my internet's down, I feel like my arm's been cut off.

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