Only 34 to go.....Agents come back to surround top hotel........Quietly takes forty winks it is reported......Mr Varney and Mr Gore are returning.....The Olympians drank it to produce a trance. and Dismiss raid.... Am I taking advantage? or am I just letting other people do what they like doing? I'm very grateful anyway,as it's the wife's puzzle and it's not the sort of thing I like doing..I prefer crosswords... Thanks all, John
Thanks all, you make it seem so easy! The Olympians drank it to produce a trance is only 6 letters so I'm afraid it isn't Hemlock!.... Hows about It would be academic to include a rose* (3.5.4) Jimmy looked back angrily (6) Fred or Grayson (5) and Sailors in the drink (8) ??
He He He I think were on a roll! When frozen will come home in buckets (4) Heard from the end of March to the beginning of October (5) Fred or Grayson (5) Man with a habit (11) Thats the lot for tonight, the nurse has come to put my jacket back on.....