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Broken finger

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curvybird | 01:04 Wed 17th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Broke it 2 months ago, and been told today I will probably never get the proper use of it back. Am right fed up, it's the middle one on my right hand, and theres so many things I can't do now, ranging from practical to sexual. Any words of comfort will be greatly received x x


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You poor thing. How did you manage to break it?
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My dogs tripped me up as I was putting them in kennels. We were on our way to the airport, and dropping them off. I didn't go to the hospital till we got back 10 days later, so I suppose I've asked for all I've got . Thankyou for caring Mrs. Chappie :o)
Oh Lordy lass. Weren't you in agony all through the holiday?
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Like you wunt believe Mrs.C !! But dint wanna spoil it for Mr Curvy so I suffered in silence, silly tart that I am !!! If it had been him he wudda been wailing all over the place, the way men do :o)
What a horrible thing to happen on the way to your hols. :o(

I'm away to bed now, but here ya go .... have a big hug ....

[[[[[[HUG]]]]]]] and a wee kiss. x

(Mr. Curvy's a very luck man, having such a thoughtful missus).
When you went to the hospital, what treatment did you get and which part of the finger was broken? Is it painful and/or is it deformed or stiff?
I broke my fingers months ago. It's still really sore.
I broke a finger in Sainsburys about 3 years ago and just buried it in a bag of frozen peas and carried on with the shopping - I never got treatment for it at the time and it took a long time to feel better although it still doesn't bend fully. Hopefully with time yours may improve too.

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Broken finger

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