Here is a recipe which I use every time and is delicious.
I always use the best vine tomatoes I can buy.
Put tomatoes in boiling water for about 10 seconds and peel. Slice in to quarters and place on a large tray. Add whole garlic cloves, peppers salt and pepper and a good glugg of olive oil then roast in the oven for about 45 mins. (the garlic will roast and when cooked you can squeeze the garlic puree out of their skins)
Whilst that is cooking, fry a chopped onion in a little oil - cook until transparent. Then, when toms and peppers are cooked, place in a large pot with the onion and whizz using a blender. Season to taste. I then add some fresh basil to taste.
let me know who yours tastes.
Buono appetitto.