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fao joggerjayne..........

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stokemaveric | 11:05 Thu 18th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
i hope you followed my tips yesterday and picked your winnings up in a wheelbarrow....


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I did, yes.

Did we win?

I know you said £20 on each one. I only did £10 on each.
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yes we had a 5/2 winner and a 3/1 winner my outsider of the day was cr*p tho lol get down to the bookies girl...
So, I reckon stokey's tips have turned my £30 into £75 !

Dont drink it all at once
Flippin small wheelbarrow.
Yes, but it's more than doubled my money, even allowing for the one that lost.

I wish I'd been brave enough to go with £20 on each.

(if anyone mentions the word "hindsight" I shall scream)
Had to be done really :)

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fao joggerjayne..........

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