What is this music? in The AnswerBank: Music
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What is this music?

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BaconBack | 22:31 Mon 01st Nov 2010 | Music
6 Answers
This is the iplayer link:

the music in question starts at 42:38 and finishes at 43:52

Please anyone!! i have been searching since i first heard the music!
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the link didn't work.
Is this the same music you already asked about on another thread?
If so, it would probably have been better if you'd just put a "...someone must know this!"
style answer into your original thead to bring it back into the limelight.
Question Author
oops here is the link:

it is the same music, but in the TV catergory, so i thought id ask in the music catergory, as maybe there is a chance it will be answered here :)
why is not available in your area?
Sounds a bit like Craig Armstrong, but I could be wrong.
Question Author
thought id bring this back up to attention as the iplayer link prob doesnt work anymore


This is the same music used for sport relief does masterchef the music starts at 4:38 and ends at 5:08

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