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Well, What's Yours?

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ttfn | 19:00 Wed 24th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
Following on from Booldawg's thread about the most prolific ABer, I wondered about the ratio of questions asked to answers given. Mine is 1:77

I then picked 2 ABers for comparison :o)

docspock is 1:4½
Buenchico is 1:657

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nice you had a good sleep ttfn...............any tips ?
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well done ummmm. Dris - may one ask - how do you cope with bookie's odds? LOL. note to self - just ask for opinions on next thread :o)
lol ummm -why did I get 23 for myself....
Im number dyslexic -seriously yet I worked for BT and could rattle an STD (steady) off for any where in the country -untapped genius or not lol
Hate to put a dampener on this, but the ratio of questions to answers is no indication of how prolific a poster is. This is determined simply by the number of posts. If you want to be more precise, you could divide it by the length of time the poster has been active.
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mike - feel free. If you re-read the op I didn't claim this was to do with prolific posting. Precision has never been further from my grey matter. Purely my idea of lateral thinking, even though I was sitting upright at the time.
Gran - send 'em round to mine and I will sort 'em for you - ok? ♥
Anne - miss 13 or so nights' proper sleep - usually works for me but I wouldn't recommend it to you ;o)
ttfn -wouldnt worry -mike wouldnt be happy if he didnt diss at least one thread a night-you drew the short straw-that right mike? (relax man btw -its just bleeding fun -you know where to go if you want to do serious -shoo:))
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That made me smile Dris - ta ♥ Actually I was upset by mike's post. he normally asks if I want a milk stout :o(
15.5 whatever that means.
1 to 17.7169811321
Oops. Seem to have fuffled a few reathers unintentionally. Apologies, and Ena, get the bottles of stout open, I've brought the scork pratchings.

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