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I'm bloody freezing...

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NoMercy | 14:11 Tue 30th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
The radiators in the office have all broken down and it's brass monkeys in here. Thus far no engineers have turned up to remedy the situation. Brrrr.....


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Probably the boiler rather than all the rads NoM.
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Might be, CAS, but then I'm no engineer! I just wish they'd get a move on and fix it. It's quite a trek down to the kitchen for hot drink refills ya know!m ;-)
swap, i'm in the tropics must be 30+ in here, i swear i'm going to strip in a minute, that'll show em!
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I'd gladly swap with you, Fluffy x
excellent, you can deal with all the sodding staff as well
It was like that yesterday in here!

Most of us were sitting working with our coats on!!
We used to get sent home if that happened.They gave it a couple of hours then just shut down the building (BT) apart from the poor souls in the boiler room who were trying to get it up and running of course.
Its miserable when youre stuck like that -get a hot water bottle and stash that in your drawers (of your desk) for any other eventialities -I would.
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Hello everyone.

At least I have the perfect excuse to keep going to the kitchen for hot drinks and one of the ladies has made some homemade choc muffins which are delicious, so it's not all bad. x

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I'm bloody freezing...

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