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do postmen still work in this weather?

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benny3008 | 12:50 Wed 01st Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
we haven't had post for a couple of days, is it possibly because of the snow?


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Hi benny,

Just seen my post girl, Penny, as i drove into my drive, so she's working bless her.......just gave her a quick cup of tea - lots of milk and she's off again in the snow.
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Good point milly, hmmm! please snow more!
Yeah, but they dont hang around.

Ive just had to chase mine down the road. He posted a "sorry you were out, letter here needs signing" card throughmy door, despite not koncking and despite me being here.
Gawd is the poor bugger still alive?
My post girl always got 5 mins for a quick natter and a cuppa if i'm in.

She's nearly finished, as we are near the end of her route.
i will put money on it that it will be there tommorow Bennie x
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thanks zzxxee, i hope your right. :-/

Just backtracked and read about your d licence problem and test tommorrow.

Firstly, zzxxee's probably right, so dont panic and if the snow does'nt cancel it, I wish you lots of good wishes matey fior your test......just make out you're taking your mum out for a quick drive.......listen to what the examiner instructs you to do and i'm pretty sure you'll do fine.

Best of British, benny :0)
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thanx Yogi.
im not probably right im deffo on the ball :)
and you wont need luck you will pass :)
Our postman does, just got our first Christmas card.

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do postmen still work in this weather?

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