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looobylooo | 19:45 Sat 04th Dec 2010 | Film, Media & TV
43 Answers
well, here we are again! .. its that time again.. ;o/

whyy does cheryl have to salute every time?! grrrrr


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I hope Rebecca goe's out, I think she sounds like Nelson Mandella, (nothing against Nelson) she absolutely slaughtered amazing grace, wouldnt it be easier to write a new song than to destroy a good old one, there was hardly anything of the original left, or maybe whoever "they" are "they" aren't capable of that.
I really like Cher. Never liked (C)rap before but I do like what she does, Mary is the token oldie, Matt is the token male and the group has been rubbish up until this week. They only sounded good this week because they all sang together so you didn't have to put up with the 2 that can't really sing as they were masked by the others.
The only fresh and original entries this year were Katie and Cher IMHO.
I hope Rebecca goes out tonight, she sounds like Nelson Mandella (nothing against Nelson) she absolutely slaughtered amazing grace, whoever tampered with that beautiful song should be ashamed, there was hardly any of the original tune left,surely it would be easier to write a new song, than to trash a beautiful old one?

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