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Have a break

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tiggerblue10 | 18:53 Sun 05th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
have a Kitkat.


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Are you trying to feed the trolls, tiggs?
I'll be a troll if it means free kitkats ;-)
Im on a diet and the wife wont buy any. Misery.
mmmmm kitkats. but i think i will take a break. its 1.57am so time for bed! night all! x
Night lum. Don't forget to check under the bed for snakes.
bed bugs count? as i had them in malaysia :s. chow
I am having a Yorkie, and I am a girl, a bit risky I know.
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tigger I hope you know the difference between Kit Kat & Kit e Kat when it comes to eating them?LOL
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Oh! Didn't think anyone was taking any notice.
Tigger, I can only eat 4-bars please, two is not enough - and I don't like them funny flavours, it has to be original choc fingers. I saw a father christmas version of the 2-bar in Netto today, it looked weird.
i prefered wagon wheels they were lovely can you still get them.♥♥♥
Yes, you can still get wagon wheels (Asda online) - but they are really small now.
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Box, have you tried Kitkat Chunky?

Lol Charmer, luckily the cats don't like kitekat. I'm definite Wagonwheels are still around. think I saw some in Sanisbury's last weekend.

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