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1 for the guys which abba babe was your fave???

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stokemaveric | 22:09 Sun 05th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
the blonde or the redhead????


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Tough choice guys!
I always liked the redhead..Probably in the minority!
Frida stirred the loins :0)
^ Same here mate.
-- answer removed --
or maybe not!
Great and us girls get the choice of two hairy swedes.
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lol barmaid..... thats life......
LOL...barmaid....dont you mean turnips?
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hey yogi i bet them turnips are multi millionaires....
well they are, they wrote Mamma Mia....!
Strange ... I've never known BM to turn down a hairy Swede before.

Frida for me.
I liked them both.
The Blonde one... don't know which is which name wise

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1 for the guys which abba babe was your fave???

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