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carlton23 | 01:22 Thu 09th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Is that the time? time I was in bed, g`night all, hope it stops snowing where you are.


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I've got some left, help yourself ...
Me too, the snow missed us last week
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Naz, is that you at the bottom of the pic trying to nab yaself a sheep? lol
lol, honest officer, that wasn't me.
Good-night Carlton. We've got piles of black slush everywhere.

I will be going myself very soon. (Electric blanket should be just right now.)

"Good-night Carlton. We've got piles ... "

<Nazzy reminds himself not to speed-read posts>
And tonights wintertime conundrum is..."SEEHPSAHGGRE" lol
hehe ...
Lovely pic Naz. Luckily our snow melted last weekend and we haven't had any since.
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NAZ, you certainly get the bird.

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