How long is 'months'? Have you come off the pill recently or the contraceptive injection? How old are you both? Do either of you have children with other people?
Who is that eejit Lore? Do you know her or something? (only joking BTW!)
I know how you feel, we'd been trying for ages, then miscarried.
Then we got pregnant within 3 months and now have a 6mth old boy.
We bought an ovulation test kit, took temperature readings and it just suddenly happened. My advice is do have sex every other day for about 2 weeks around your ovulation time.
Going by your username, I am guessing that you are about 18 or 19. There is no need to rush, you have your whole life ahead of you and if you want children while you are young, that is absolutely fine, but I wouldn't panic yet. The best advice I can give is to relax - there are loads of people (myself included) who ended causing themselves fertility problems just by being stressed about not getting pregnant.
I know a number of people (5 couples) who had to go through IVF treatment to fall pregnant and no joy just a lot of debt. Then all of them (sounds werid) but gave up hope that they would become parents with the worry & stress not there they fell pregnant. So my advice is dont STRESS WORRY etc just take each day as it comes and it my happen for you as it did for the people that I know