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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:49 Sat 11th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Saturday and it's still clear! The temperature is above freezing. It's almost like a summer day!

Have a happy day everyone.


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How lovely it sounds. I'm off to do my car boot sale before the castle so I'm really packing it in today. Anyway have a happy and safe day all of you.
Morning horseshoes, have a profitable Boot!
Question Author
Enjoy your boot sale. The Santa cruises are running every weekend until Christmas.
Have a happy day horseshoes.
Morning DF and Boxy. I'll do my very best to make my fortune this morning! ha ha I do enjoy it though.
Morning WBM and all no complaints weather wise just glad to see the icy roads gone .Off to town today to finish off shopping I hope but grandson is still writng his list lol.
morning wendilla
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Morning wendi. Some of the things the little'uns come up with on their list. You just wish you could grant some of them don't you!
hi wbm and all
last nites thaw has taken most of the white stuff away
I can see my lawn again! Be glad to see the back of the snow. Todays temperatures should get rid of it by tomorrow. I'll get the deckchair out later.( well... perhaps not)
morning beejay and lslowry
morning Doc.
when i see you name and avatar i always sing this
Good Morning from the banks of the Tyne
weather here is 'quiet' loads of green stuff in my back garden to ogle at

have a great day everyone
Morning everybody, quite a nice day here we've still got plenty of the white stuff lying about and it's quite slippy under foot in places but Max is happy he's had his first proper walk in week
morning, wow i finally can move my car! still little slush left but alot better when it was an ice rink. :)

oh one of the two surving chilling plants are growing chillies again... how bizzare!!

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Good morning early birds!

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