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Big Fatty!

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milly143 | 21:00 Mon 13th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Is eating 4 roast dinners in as many days shameful?


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ohhh but nice though milly
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I think I am about to explode!
well you sure look good on it to me lol
No, if you didn't have to cook them, I'd say it was lucky.
nope, a damn sight healthier than take aways !
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Didn't put a foot in the kitchen and they were all totally scrummy!
Depends what else you eat on those days.
I am sure you were just being polite.... well it would be rude to refuse.....
The Vicar of Dibley ate four in one day! She wasn't ashamed just felt sick as a parrot.
Aaarrrrggghhhhhhhh... barmaid - that cat is HUGE !!!!!!!!!!!
and beautiful....

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Big Fatty!

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