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It's my second AB birthday today!

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boxtops | 08:25 Tue 14th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I joined two years ago today..... mostly to ask and answers crosswords, but then I found CB.... thank you to all my cyber-friends on here, for being funny, and serious, and helpful, and all those other things. I like AB!


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You're welcome boxy. xxx
Happy anniversary :-)

I'll have been posting for 2 years this coming Feb.
happy answerbank birthday :)
Oh, it's mine on Monday.

Happy ABirthday!!!! (See what I did there).......(yeah, pretty lame).
happy anniversary x
Happy AB birthday boxy.... I can't tak any credit for being funny, serious or helpful though alas... ;0)

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It's my second AB birthday today!

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