I've been invited to an 18th birthday party of someone in my sixth form should i go?
HOWEVER; it is at bar/club place, I dunno would my parents let me go . . . especially seeing as it is the weekend before three exams (biology, chemistry and maths!) and anyway the person whose party it is, is someone i'm not really that close to ( I sit on his table in chemistry) and i don't really talk to him outside of the lessons . . . .
your (sensible) thoughts, as always are welcome . . .
I dont go to any social occasion im not comfortable with ever.
You'll know yourself if youre comfortable enough to go or just be happy in the knowledge you were invited (which is a nice touch).
I'm not sure, I would but there's jsut the niggling thought of the exams . . . but by then i should have all my revision finished. And there are people confirmed as going that I'm friends with.
I assume so, even though it's a bar/club, it's been booked by the two guys whose birthday it'll be (I know the one guy from chemistry and know of the other guy).
I assume that's what they've done dotty, and to save money, cos they've got many of the same friends, they've booked it jointly seeing as one of their birthdays is the friday and the other, the saturday . . . .
You seem a sensible sort of girl Molly. You know what to stay away from. Make sure you have your phone with you in case you have to call for help (from your parents) and you should be O.K.
Not many. This year i've been to my gay friends parties the most for; his birthday, end of exams/ school, exam results, halloween and bonfire night, and i'm going to his for a christmas aprty aswell, also i've been to; the school prom and 5 other birthday parties. Maybe that is quite a lot . . .