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So life can mean life then...

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R1Geezer | 15:21 Tue 21st Dec 2010 | News
25 Answers
Why don't M'Luds do this more often?


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Anyone who can eat raw human flesh like he has done cannot really be sane can he?
He was clearly sane enough to stand trial.
There was clear premeditation in this story.he shot women with a crossbow.

There is absolutely no way you can compare the two stories.

/// There was clear premeditation in this story.he shot women with a crossbow.///

There was clear premeditation in the other case, she obtained a knife and then proceeded to stab and dismember her little daughter.

Are you saying that shooting women with a cross bow is much more savage than what that woman did to her child?

Because he's a serial killer and she was insane.

There's a world of difference between the two stories

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